Is it just me, or does Bert Newton look really scary?
Saturday, May 31, 2003
This morning as I walked through res, I ran into Dundee, who was trying to get his girlfriend, Sonia,'s keys out of the wheelie bin. She'd chucked them in there by accident because she had rubbish and keys in the same hard. (Take note kids.) He eventually got them out and dorpped them on the ground as they were sticky - which meant Sonia didn't want to pick them up.
I continued on to Trav's unit, where Hugh, Anita, Brooke and Tim also were.
We took them up to Mt Buninyong, then went and had lunch at Central Square, where I also gave Hugh his birthday present. Then went to the Lake and spent about two hours walking around it. Saw some musk ducks. Got pizza for tea. Hugh, Anita, Brooke and Tim went back to Bendigo.
The Iran Debate
The Pentagon is advocating a massive covert action program to overthrow Iran's ruling ayatollahs as the only way to stop the country's nuclear weapons ambitions, senior State Department and Pentagon officials told ABCNEWS.
The proposal, which would include covert sponsorship of a group currently deemed terrorist by the U.S. government, is not new, and has not won favor with enough top officials to be acted upon.
ABC News, May 29
Deane slams 'intolerant' government
Former governor-general Sir William Deane has criticised the federal government's human rights record, labelling the Liberal leadership intolerant and untruthful.
In a speech to the University of Queensland business, economic and law graduates, Sir William urged young Australians to be vigilant in fighting against injustice and falsehood.
He referred to the children overboard controversy, mandatory detention and the continued imprisonment of two suspected Australian terrorists as challenges to truth and justice.
"The challenge, never to be indifferent in the face of injustice or falsehood encompasses the challenge to advance the truth and human dignity rather than seek advantage ... and intolerance," he said.
"Who of us can easily forget the untruths of the children overboard (affair) or the abuse of the basic rights of innocent children by incarceration behind Woomera's razor wire."
Sir William, who received an honorary doctorate, also referred to the imprisonment of suspected terrorists David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib at the American Camp X-Ray in Cuba.
He said people should not forget the fundamental responsibility of a democratic government to seek to safeguard the human rights of all its citizens.
That included "the unpopular and alleged wrongdoers in the case of two Australians indefinitely caged without even a charge or process in the Guantanamo Bay jail".
Sir William said challenges to future leaders were the protection of multicultural Australia, the rights of the "have-nots" and the environment.
But importantly they must also ensure justice was served.
"If the coming generations of leaders refuses to honestly confront the denial of justice or truth ... our nation will surely lose its way," he said.
Prime Minister John Howard this morning rejected Sir William's criticism: "I don't agree with him. I can only react to the report of what he said.
"Whether he actually said all of those things I don't know because I have not seen the speech."
Mr Howard said he had not sought advantage by inflaming ugly prejudice and intolerance with his policies on asylum seekers.
"Any suggestion that my government inflames prejudice is one that I totally and comprehensively reject," he said.
Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson today said Sir William's comments belonged in the political domain.
"I've not directly heard those (comments)," Mr Anderson told ABC Radio.
"I think the only general comment I would make is that they sound very much as though commentary that belong in the political domain.
"And as to whether or not, even though the position is no longer occupied - the governor-general - as to how they (the comments) might reflect on the office, I must say I have a reservation or two."
When asked what he meant, Mr Anderson said: "That's all I have to say".
The Age, May 30 2003
Friday, May 30, 2003
¿Cheese please?
¿Why one earth do they have cheese-flavoured chips in the vending machine? ¿Or meat-pie-with-tomato-sauce-flavour? Those are just wrong.
Here is an issue I just got at NationStates. Found it quite amusing:
- In a bid to provide a new revenue stream for Christopyeah's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that shopping trolleys could be added to the menu.
'It was a beautiful day'
in fact, it's been really nice and sunny the last three days.
I was waiting at the bus stop, when Jez, this guy from Theatre Performance who is in Issues with in TV, pulled over and offered me a lift. So we got to talk a bit about classes and exams and stuff on the way into town. Turns out he knows Dundee's girlfriend, Sonia*, because they're both from Maryborough.
Went to Keswick to get Hugh a birthday present.
Hugh is a guy from Trav's old church, back in Bendigo, who I know from Warrnambool Scripture Union Family Mission (SUFM). His birthday is on Sunday. About a month ago, Trav and I were talking to him on the net, trying to find out what he wanted to do for his birthday. He said he didn't know. I jokingly said he should come down to Ballarat for the day. He took me seriously. We asked him what he wanted to actually do here, and he said we could decide what he wanted to do.
So tomorrow at about 11 am Hugh'll be arriving in Ballarat with a van full of Bendigans. Trav reckons we're taking them on a tour of Ballarat.
I ended up getting a Relient K pack with their first two CDs. I'll give Hugh Anantomy of the Tongue in Cheek, and give Relient K to someone else - probably Doomie.
Went to get lunch at Central Square. Lemon chicken.
Even the carpet's gone from Dymock's now.
Flip was having a lunch break, so she came over and sat with me. She was with the girl whose house she's been staying at - I think her name's Nicole - but she'd seen someone she knew as well, so she was talking to her.
Flip said she, Ylonde and Tegan've got a house to rent in town, and're probably moving in in just a few weeks, so she's pretty excited about that, 'cause it's exactly where they wanted. We talked about how my course's going - I'm finding it pretty tedious. Flip asked me if I was going to the Women's Breakfast, then realised I probably wasn't eligible, not being a woman.
'Might see you at Sons 've Korah then,' she said. 'Oh d'know'f Oh c'n come, 'cause Oh've been put on to work fr'm four till eight. I'm gunna try to get out of it, but otherwise Oh'll just have to go in the morning at Ballarat Family Church. I wanna see it with you guys though.'
'Okay,' I said. 'W'll hopefully y'can get out of it then.'
'Yeah, Oh should be able ta, 'cause they know I don't want to work Sundays.'
¿Nicole? came over and we got introduced. Asked her how it was having Flick around, and she said it was great, she really lights the place up, but she's not around that much.
¿Nicole? said they'd better go.
'See ya Sunday, hopefully, then,' I said.
'Yeah, hopefully,' said Flick.
Went to Bridge Mall to get a card for Hugh. Ran into my gothic contacts - Sean, Quinnie, Matt and some others - who usually hang out there. Accompanied them for a while.
Then went to Photography. Took heap of photos.
Just before Li'l Yoda was trying to get me to come to Melbourne for Laz's birthday party tonight. Was tempted, but thought I'd better not.
*Not to be confused with Sonia who lives in Melbourne now.
A ¡tissue!
I think I'm officially sick. On Sunday and Monday I was losing my voice, and it's back now, but my throat's been really sore and today i couldn't stop sneezing.
It's probably what's been going 'round the church. In the last few weeks Erin, Giles, Melinda, Colin, Tab and Hannah have all been sick. And there's probably others too that I just don't know about.
Anyway, it's best to get sick before winter comes, so I'll be more immune when it gets really cold and wet.
¡Nothing! can stop me now
Started my own country at NationStates, after finding the link at Scot Watson: Free Republic of Christopyeah*
*Christop was already taken.
Thursday, May 29, 2003
Yesterday... Not that much yesterday.
This morning Graeme (one of the church leaders) came over to interview me about church membership, and then offered to help me with the dishes I said I'd probably do this afternoon.
Ex. Ite. Ing.
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
¿Hello? ¿Blogger? ¿Anyone home?
¿What is the deal with my template, Blogger dear? First it just disappeared, and now it's reverted to how it was back in February. And I submitted a query over a month ago, but it's yet to be reviewed. Luckily I don't need it answered anymore, but...
Tehran defies US with nuclear program
Sydney Morning Herald, May 27 2003
¿Sound familiar anyone? ¿Any idea what'll come next? I am just damn sick of this now. And most likely it'll turn out the grounds for the coming war'll be bogus just like in Iraq.
Monday, May 26, 2003
Doughboy dictators?
The year is 2012, and the president has just died. Gen. E. Thomas U. Brutus has somehow “persuaded” the vice president not to take the oath of office and proceeds to declare himself commander-in-chief. Without a moment’s delay, the American government is placed under martial law and, thus, under military control.
Sounds far-fetched? Not according to Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles Dunlap, whose 1992 article, “The Origins of the Military Coup of 2012,” provides a convincing scenario for a possible military takeover in the near future. The article, written by then-Lt. Col. Dunlap as part of his studies at the National War College in Washington, D.C., paints a chilling picture of our nation being slowly overtaken by military rule. Dunlap warns:
- People need to understand that the armed forces exist to support and defend government, not to be the government. Faced with intractable national problems on one hand, and an energetic and capable military on the other, it can be all too seductive to start viewing the military as a cost-effective solution. We made a terrible mistake when we allowed the armed forces to be diverted from its original purpose.
John W. Whitehead, Razormouth, May 21 2003
Another big weekend it was.
On Saturday I was invited up to Learmonth for lunch with the family of one of the kids in the small group I lead. After lunch we went for a drive around the town, including Lake Learmonth, which has been empty for over a year now, for the first time since the Second World War.
Spent most of the afternoon working on a presentation about Gabriel García Márquez's short stories.
At about 5:30 pm, Flip, Scotty and I left for Melbourne, to go to Sonia*'s house warming. On the way talked about art, writing, God and our insufficient vocabularies.
Got there at about 8:00 pm and Sonia showed us around the house. We played cards, listened to music (chillout and dance). Flip played Risk with a group of guys. She thought she was doing really badly, so she asked me to help her, but she was doing pretty good anyway, especially since it was her first time playing and she didn't really get the rules. I didn't either. Eventually we got sick of it.
At about 11:00 pm all the Melbourne people went home. So we decided probably we should too since it would take us a whole two hours to get home. So we left an hour later. Got home 2:00 am.
Woke up 8:00 am. Giles picked me up for music practice at 8:15 am. Service went good. Went home.
After late breakfast, took oversized jeans back to shop. Got late lunch. Walked to church for evening service music practice**.
At the service we had this guy called Nickolai Porublev from the Slavic Gospel Association come and talk.
Got home about 10:00 pm. Ylonde had got us heaps of bread again - four bags. We still had one bag in the freezer from last week, so I'm giving some to the neighbors.
Finished typing Gabo presentation at about 11:15 pm. Listened to Good Charlotte for a while. Went to sleep.
Did presentation this morning. Got class to ask questions before I even told them who the presentation was about. Did presentation. Answered more questions. Fin.
*Sonia graduated from UoB last year, and got a job in Melbourne. She went to our church, and Students for Christ (SFC).
**Yesterday was my last Sunday on the worship team. I dodn't really have the time because of studies, work and youth ministry, and it's hard to get there early for practice.
UoB's closing down the BA (Theatre Production) course, because apparently there're to many students enrolling at UoB. Luckily, the students aren't putting up with it.
Friday, May 23, 2003
Apparently the Welsh language has no word for the colour brown. So they just call anything brown, 'llwyd', which means 'grey'.
So a brown bear is a grey bear. Brown bread is grey bread. A brownie is a greyie. A brown-nose is a grey-nose.
Got a bonus from work last night.
Talked to James on the phone about Jell's Party, an animated TV show he's doing a pilot for.
This morning bought some jeans, but they're too big. Well, to wide. It's hard for me to find pants that fit because I'm pretty tall but I'm real thin too, so anything that's long enough is usually to wide.
Also bought some black nail polish, which is just fine.
Got to Camp St early to try and get my photography assignment finished. The PDF was so big that it took the computer 20 mins to explain to the printer how it should be printed. A condensed version is shown below:
War on Sturt Street
Ballarat's Violent Past and Present
Thursday, May 22, 2003
Yesterday I got paid by Centrelink, which meant I was able to pay my rent - which I couldn't pay on Monday due to Centrelink reducing my payment the fortnight before. However, they had not restored my rent assistance like they said they would. Thus I have about $2.50 to live on until June 5. Lucky I get paid by work today.
Last night at the Chapel, after small groups, I was in the lounge talking to Flip. She was sitting in one of the armchairs, and I was sitting on the carpet to the left of her. To my left, Matt was sitting on the couch, and Devo was sitting to his left.
Suddnely, Matt went, '¡Ahhh!' jumped up and ran behind the couch.
First I though that someone must've said they were going to do something to one of his X-Box games, but then I saw the spider on Devo's knee.
'¡Spider!' said Matt.
'¿Where?' said Flip.
'On his knee,' I said, pointing at Devo's knee.
Flip yelled and jumped up. I knocked the spider off Devo's knee, then squashed it with my shoe. ¡Exciting!
This morning I went to the hospital to donate blood.
For some stupid reason they've put two TVs in the blood bank. The news was on, and the reporter was going on about how Australia is a terrorist target and al Qaeda are calling all Muslims to attack Westerners. About the fifth scare campaign they've done since September 11 2001.
As the nurse was putting the needle into my arm she said, 'Horrible people, ¿aren't they?'
'Yeah,' I said, 'the media are pretty horrible.'
'No, I mean the Muslims.'
'¿How many Muslims do you know?'
'I'm not anti-Muslim,' she said. 'It's just that they're horrible.'
'Only a few of them're horrible, just like any other group,' I said.
She left and another nurse took over.
As I was walking back from the hospital to the TAFE, I took a short cut through Central Square. Most of the books and shelves have been removed from Dymocks now. Security guard's still there.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Yesterday when I was eating lunch at the Central Square food court I noticed, for the third time, a security guard standing outside the Dymocks book shop that got closed down a couple of weeks ago.
Two middle-aged guys went over to peer through the galss doors. The security guard started moving towards them and they left.
The day it got closed there were people inside taking seemingly-random books off the shelves and putting them into plastic bags. The rest of the books are still there. So are the hand-written '30% Off Sale' signs that were placed in the shop windows shortly before the stores closure.
Note that if you look at the Dymocks website's list of suburban and regional stores in Victoria, there is no mention of a Ballarat store. It's as though it ¡never even existed!
But. Through a cunning search I managed to find this, and thus the e-mail address of the late Dymocks store. I have sent a message enquiring about this case.
Lobby your local member of Parliament to come out in the open about this issue.
Monday, May 19, 2003
'Jesus' sandals removed from supermarkets
A Danish supermarket chain has removed plastic sandals with images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary on them from shelves after criticism from religious groups.
He added: "Some priests believe that one steps on Jesus and the Virgin Mary when putting on the sandal."
Ananova, May 15 2003
¡¿What the?!
A member of the public tries out the pews inside the world's first inflatable church displayed at the National Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Park, Esher, Surrey, May 13, 2003. The 47 foot high creation opened its Gothic arches to worshippers on Tuesday to reveal a blow-up organ, a polyvinyl pulpit, an air-filled altar and fake stained glass windows.
Yahoo! News, May 13
Seriously, ¡¿what is the point in making an inflatable church?!
Saturday, May 17, 2003
Web surfing on the loo project a hoax
Microsoft Corp. said a company news release that it was developing a portable toilet with Internet access, called an "iLoo," [as discussed at Scot Watson] was a hoax perpetrated by its British division.
The April 30 release, issued by the company's MSN Internet division in the United Kingdom, said Microsoft was developing a portable toilet with a wireless keyboard and an extending height-adjustable plasma screen in front of the seat. The iLoo was to debut at festivals this summer in Britain.
Chicago Tribune, May 13 2003
Also discussed at Scot Watson:
Search for Klingon interpreter called off
Sorry, potential Klingon interpreters. Officials have said they won't be needing your services, after all.
The office that treats mental health patients in Multnomah County had included Klingon on a list of 55 languages that could be spoken by incoming patients.
But the inclusion of the Star Trek language drew a spate of tongue-in-cheek headlines.
Chicago Tribune, May 13 2003
39 dead, 60 hurt in Casablanca blasts
¿When will we learn? The only way to end the cycle is ¡to forgive! And that is everyone's responsibility.
Today came back to Ballarat with Andrea and Geoff for the first Warrnambool SUFM (Scripture Union Family Mission) core group meeting for the year. Planned meetings, info sessions (for at least three cities), fund raising and a heap of other stuff.
Tonight watched Black Hawk Down with Devo. First realist war film I've seen. It was real good - showing war as as ugly as I imagine it'd really be rather than glorifying it. As.
Friday Five - since it still feels Friday
1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
2. What are your favourite flavor of chips?
3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
Any sort of good stir fry
4. How do you have your eggs?
5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
Mark. Carrot, peas and home-made sausage rolls. ¡Fantastic!
Think I've lost my concession card.
Today Dundee was on the bus. He does Fine Art at Camp Street, and goes to Students for Christ. Without me even asking, he told me a Camp Street Secret...
You may only read the following if you promise not to tell anyone else. For this reason it is written in white, so it needs to be selected to be read. So if you don't think you can be trusted, ¡¡DON'T READ IT!!
Dundee showed me some removable panels in the floor of the second-year fine art room, beneath Ylonde's easle. A ladder went down into the dark. Dundee had a torch, so we went down the ladder to ¡¡a secret floor just like in Being John Malkovich!! Dundee flicked a switch, and a flourescent tube-light came on, revealing the size of the room. It's about ten metres wide, thirty long; the ceiling's about five metres high. In one corner of the room, just below the ladder is a dep shaft that goes way down below street level, with all these pipes and wires going down it. In the middle of the floor is a trapdoor that opens up into the ceiling of the art gallery on ground floor of the Old Post Office Building. At the far end of the room is a door which opens up onto insulation. There are powerpoints.
When Dundee, Ylonde, Flip and others I don't know discovered this secret floor it was really dirty, full of dust, but they've swept it out, and want to paint the walls, which're just bare, slightly rough wood. Dundee even mentioned the posibility of a wide screen TV - but probably not surround sound.
Anyway, I think it would be a great idea to have a party in there. Or even live in there.
After photography I caught the train to Melbourne for Alex (my cousin) and Diana's engagement party, which was cool once someone told Alex who I was. Staying the night at my parents' place.
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Tonight I had to get a taxi home because Trav wasn't working again, and it was raining, for the first time since the street got flooded - over a month ago. That's really dry for Ballarat at this time of year.
The taxi driver was saying how a lot of kids in the outback will have never even seen rain yet.
Study: Human DNA Neanderthal-Free
Neanderthals did not contribute to the gene pool of modern humans, according to a recent study that compared the DNA of two ancient Cro-Magnons with that of four Neanderthals.
{Much as I hate the ads for the} Discovery Channel, May 12 2003
Yesterday, at the end of my Issues with in TV lecture, Karen Dean (the lecturer) said that half of the evidence she'd used to argue that TV is a consipracy was from unreliable sources, and another quater was just made up. Her point was that people think there's a conspiracy, even though they're not sure what it is, and they want to believe (just like Mulder).
At Turn Left they have a conspiracy theory generator, which Karen showed us:
What They Don't Want You to Know
In order to understand the collapse of Clag you need to realize that everything is controlled by a international terrorist group made up of transparent, plastic cups with help from Ballarat Sailing Club.
The conspiracy first started during the Eureka stockade in Ballarat. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the Great Depression.
Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by making lots of noise at the cinema.
They want to kill Big Kev and imprison resisters in a Nike store using a forklift.
In order to prepare for this, we all must wear steel-capped moccassins. Since the media is controlled by Mr T we should get our information from the coffee and cake club.
Last night Devo put a Rip Curl sticker on his phone. Enough said.
Got a letter last night from Centrelink - they're given me back my rent assistance, in fact they had given it back ¿¡before I even handed the form in!? Also, they've increased my full allowence (youth allowence and rent assistance combine) to $110/fortnight, the highest rate I've ever had.
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Iraq war an effort to out-terrorise terrorists: Mahathir
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the US-led war in Iraq appeared to be an attempt to "out-terrorise the terrorists" and had caused all weaker nations to fear invasion by world powers.
"Now countries are being threatened and invaded even though there is no proof of their involvement in terrorism," the New Straits Times newspaper quoted Mahathir as saying.
"We can expect no protection from international organisations like the UN since powerful countries like the United States and Britain can attack Iraq without the sanction of the UN," Mahathir was quoted as saying.
Sydney Morning Herald, May 13 2003
'We shoot them down like the morons they are': US general
Hundreds of Muslim fighters, many of them non-Iraqis, were putting up a stronger fight for Baghdad than Iraq's Republican Guard or the regular army, a top United States military officer said yesterday.
"They stand, they fight, sometimes they run when we engage them," Brigadier-General John Kelly said.
"But often they run into our machine guns and we shoot them down like the morons they are."
Sydney Morning Herald, April 9 2003
Monday, May 12, 2003
Hollingworth to fight rape claim, then decide future
Peter Hollingworth will stand aside indefinitely from the post of governor-general while he fights rape allegations in court, but he remains under growing pressure to quit the job even if he is cleared.
The Prime Minister, John Howard, yesterday maintained there was no case for him to sack Dr Hollingworth, but also refused to give his full support for his continuing in the job.
Sydney Morning Herald, May 12 2003
Okay, so what has been Going On?
On Saturday night Sarah's parents invited all the young people from the church over for dinner, and to just hang out, so we did - that was good. Hung around outside for a while with the other crazies (Giles, Erin, Al, Hannah), then went inside and listened to some music (Dylan, U2) with Lucas. Then someone (I think it was Sarah's dad, Ian) came in and decided we were watching a Christian film called The Climb. Typical Christian film. Predicatble 'plot'; stereotypical characters. White, patient, understanding, middle-class, Christian guy converts bad-tempered, violent, alcoholic, sex-mad black guy from 'the bad part of town'. I was the only one who thought it was in any way racist.
Afterwards (about 11:30 pm) I went to a party at our next-door neighbour's house.
Most people seem to have this idea that every goth party is an orgy or a séance, but it wasn't really much different to any of the parties I'd go to with my high school friends. And most of the goths I know are really nice people: friendly, non-judgemental, really open. And that's a real achievement, considering what some've them have gone through.
Sunday night I was on vocals at church, and it was real good 'cause we had drums and guitar, which we haven't had for a while.
I have to quit worship team though. To much other stuff.
After church went to Mark, Hananh and Tab's with Flip and watched/bagged Die Hard.
Tab gave us a lift home.
Flip's had to move from Creswick to Sebastopol, because her VW Beetle's* stuffed meaning she can't drive to work. So she's staying with a friend's family in Sebas, and doesn't even have to pay rent. Took us a while to find the place though, because she only moved in yesterday.
I've spent most of the afternoon trying to sort out with the tech people why I can't print stuff, and it turned out I actually have two computer accounts, and have to type in a 25-character username to access the one I can print from. Something to do with the School of Further Ed closing down and me now being part of the School of Behavioural and Social Sciences & Humanities, which I thought I was in to start with.
*A '70s Beetle. Not one of those crappy '90s ones.
![]() I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. What Video Game Character Are You? |
Saturday, May 10, 2003
Dancing Bush. A swollen-headed George Bush dances around.
Okay, I did another Colorgenics test on archetypes (they're from Jungian psychology) and it's hard not to think whoever made it up was on marijuana. It asks questions like, 'Which shape owes you money?' and 'Which shape wants to kill you?' It told me that I am the Sunset, whatever that mean.
Did this test at Colorgenics, where they analyse your mood by colour preferences. It's kind of accurate, but kind of not:
Enough is enough - and you feel that you've had enough for a while. You don't need any more battles. You just would like to be able to shout 'stop' and experience a little peace and calm - even if it be only for a little while. This doesn't mean that you need to cut yourself off from the rest of the world - it just means that you are seeking some respite, some physical or emotional relaxation that could release some of the tension and possibly reduce the internal conflict.
You dislike playing the field in every sense of the word. When you develop a relationship it needs to be a close fulfilling one, one that has deep meaning for all parties concerned.
Although you are, deep down, a very caring person, you are very particular in the choice of friends and indeed very demanding at times. You can be most quarrelsome and controversial and it is because of this argumentative trait you can at times explode into open conflict - conflict with even those you may care for and love. It is because of this inherent argumentative streak in you that may have resulted in broken hopes and dreams.
You are feeling helpless. The fact that you are unable to control events that are going on around you is subjecting you to considerable stress. This can, if not relieved, cause muscle spasms or hypertension. It would seem that you are, for whatever the reason, being subjected to intolerable pressures. The complete environment would appear to be hostile. It would also seem that you are being driven against your will. You feel - and perhaps quite rightly so - that unreasonable demands are made of you but more to the point you feel as if you are powerless to control the situation or protect yourself in any way. At this time you feel utterly helpless.
The tensions and stresses that you are experiencing at this time are, you feel, beyond your capabilities or your reserves of strength to cope with. You feel inadequate and in a constant state of anxiety. You are attempting to escape from this situation into a secure environment in which you may be permitted to relax and recover, free from outside interference.
Friday, May 09, 2003
Found this through Living on the Edge at GCC:
DJs Suspended for Playing Dixie Chicks
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Country station KKCS has suspended two disc jockeys for playing the Dixie Chicks, violating a ban imposed after the group criticized President Bush.
Washing Post, May 6 2003
I was just on the News Corp website, and was extremely surprised to see that Zondervan (they publish Bibles and stuff) is owned by them, and thus by Rupert Murdoch. Straight away I thought, Man, I'm not buying anything from them again. But Tab has a different perspective: 'praise [sic] the Lord, maybe he'll read one of the books!'
New Delhi rats drunk on moonshine and secret files
Rats are nibbling away at the secret files of India's premier federal investigation agency and consuming litres of "moonshine" seized by police stations in the capital, New Delhi.
Their drunk and disorderly behaviour often creates a law and order problem.
New Zealand Herald, May 9 2003
US, Britain want power to spend Iraq oil money
NEW YORK - The United States is proposing to end UN sanctions on Iraq and give Washington and its allies the power to spend Iraq's oil money to help the Iraqi people.
New Zealand Herald, May 9 2003
Abuse on the air
LOUTS are taking over train intercom systems and broadcasting abusive messages to passengers.
The vandals are breaking into driver cabins in carriages at the back of trains. Rail operators are aware of the problem and are improving security.
Last week M>Train passengers on the Frankston line were shocked to hear young people swearing over the intercom.
Potty talk is lashed
A MARIJUANA-scented mobile phone cover has drawn fire amid concerns it could encourage teenagers to try the drug.
Puss inherits fortune
TINKER, a slightly scruffy black tomcat, and his new-found friends were celebrating yesterday after a will was approved that made the puss a millionaire.
Herald Sun, May 7 2003
Living End in LA
Patrick Donovan speaks with Living End bandmembers Scott Owen and Andy Strachan who are in LA finishing off a three month recording stint for their new album.
The Age, May 9 2003
Friday 5
1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not?
No I'm not very organised. My bedroom floor is currently covered in books, paper, magazines, clothes and miscellaneous objects. My time and management are both shocking.
2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly?
I have a week plan but I don't stick to it to well, and am not all that sure it actually works.
3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now?
Yes it's very organised, becuase it's full of computer, and anything else that could be heaped on it would just fall off.
4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter?
No, but I have sections for different kinds of CDs/books.
5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize?
My week plan.
Statement by the President
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Today, I'm real proud to be welcoming Australian Prime Minister John Howard and his frumpazoid wife whatsherface here to the Western White House. This is a special place for me and Laura – a place where we can get away from all that stress and hard work in the other White House – usually for month-long stretches when we feel like a break from our weekly three-day weekends at Camp David. Why, did you know that since I've been President, we've spent almost nine whole months kickin' it vacation-style here on the ranch? Well it's true. And I'm mighty pleased that Prime Minister Howard was amenable to having our little ho-down here instead of Washington DC. As if he really had a choice in the matter.
The White House, May 4 2003
Salam Pax's back!
Thursday, May 08, 2003
Yesterday morning, before Fantasy & Spec Fic I went to the bank to see if Centrelink had come through. It had, but they'd only given me $156 instead of $198, which was what they were giving me (per fortnight) before the computers accidentally cut my payments.
In Fantasy & Spec Fic I found out I'd failed due to not handing in an assignment (the one I was working on the morning there was a storm and the street got flooded) and it being to late now to hand it in at all.
At first I was pretty upset, but it was the best unit to fail, becasue it takes up the most time - I had to read a 500 page novel each week - and now I'll have more time and hopefully be able to pass all my other subjects, all of which I'm currently behind in.
In Issues with in Television I found out that one of the Theatre Production guys in my tute used to be Prime Possum.
A self-proclaimed 'happy, comfortable, middle-class girl' was asked about her perception of the working-class were. Her main points were that they only have one TV (black and white) in their house and have to eat Special K.
We also discussed Turnoff TV Week, Buy Nothing Day and the fact that while most parents will sit and read a book with their kids, so that they can learn to read critically and with understanding, but don't do the same with TV.
This morning I finally got a new concession card. The one on the left is from last year; the one on the right I got this morning. With my old one, sometimes the bus drivers reckoned it wasn't me because the photo was taken when I had short hair, so I had to pay full fare. That shouldn't be a problem now.
Also went to Centrelink.
While in the que I noticed that everyone else that was waiting was trying not to pay attention to the big TV in the corner, showing some crappy soap. But the urge was irresistible. Heads would turn without their owners' control... then snap away again.
When i got to the front of the line they said I wasn't getting as much now because I hadn't returned the reassesment form they hadn't sent me. So I got a copy of the form, and will get a backpayment when I return it.
After lunch I went up to the school where I work. I didn't have to work tonight because it was a pupil free day. However, Gianni (one of the guys who was at the camp last weekend, and boards at the school) asked if I wanted to come over and just hang out.
Tonight I've been reading Michael Moore's book, Stupid White Men, which I bought today.
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
Sons of Korah are playing at my church. Apparently they're doing a concert for the anniversary of Good News Radio here in Ballarat, and then they're doing the evening service for us.
Okay, Times of India has a comic called Dubyaman. According to the Dubyaman club website, 'Yesss..the meek, mild George W is really Dubyaman. The Caped Crusader, the knickered knacker...THE SCOURGE OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM!'
First anti-US protest held in Kabul
KABUL: About 300 Afghans chanted anti-American and anti-British slogans in Kabul on Tuesday in the first such protest since US-led forces toppled the fundamentalist Taliban in late 2001.
The protesters, who included government employees and university students complained of growing insecurity, slow post-war reconstruction and delay in payment of state salaries by Hamid Karzai's US-backed government.
Times of India, May 6 2003
Bosses cry poor over $17 pay rise
Australia's lowest-paid workers will receive a $17-a-week pay rise within the next 12 months, although employers say they can't afford the additional $1.5 billion wages bill.
Employees on the minimum award wage - such as cleaners, waiters and other hospitality workers - earning less than the full-time equivalent of $731.80 per week will receive a $17 a week increase.
Sydney Morning Herald, May 6 2003
Tonight as I sat watching the 300th episode of The Simpsons and eating chips with some Christian friends, a three-second-clip of Marilyn Manson came on during a current affairs-show ad. Imediately the others went all tense and quiet.
Once he was safely off screen, one of the others said, 'Hasn't someone shot him yet?'
I don't know why so many Christians feel so threatened by Manson, or why they're so aggressive towards him. Okay, so what if he is a Satanist? If we believe our God's far stronger than his (if he actually is a Satanist at all) why should we be afraid of him? Shouldn't we be hoping he's (by some miracle or other) saved by Christ rather than shot down by some psycho*? Shouldn't we remind ourselves that we ourselves are only saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9), not because we're in any way better than Manson or Hussein or whoever we're projecting the things we dislike about ourselves onto today?
*Reminds me of John Lennon and Mark Chapman.
Drysdale repays investor with $1 million profit
A small painting of an outback cattle station by Sir Russell Drysdale that sold at auction in 1994 for $200,000 was sold last night for $1.2 million at a Sotheby's sale in Melbourne.
The Age, May 6 2003
Battle of the bikkies
About 100 placard-waving supporters joined Dick Smith in court today after US-owned biscuit giant Arnott's launched legal action against his chocolate biscuit brand.
Arnott's claims the Temptin' chocolate biscuits sold by Dick Smith Foods unfairly cash in on the good name of its famous Tim Tams and is breaching trademark rules.
It also claims the Temptin' package design is misleading because the P is minimised to make the name appear as though it is two words, and as such too similar to Tim Tams.
Sydney Morning Herald, May 6 2003
Last night when I got home there was a letter from Centrelink, saying that my Youth Allowance would be cut from April 26, over a week before
because apparently my parents' income was to much. The thing is, their income hasn't changed at all.
They did exactly the same thing to me for about six week, starting Januaray, but that was because my father hadn't done his tax , and when I finally did get him to do it, he lost the tax return, which was the proof I needed of his income so that I could get back on youth allowance.
I eventually got it back again.
Anyway, I went in to Centrelink before class this morning, and it turned out that it was all just a mistake on the computer, this time.
As a side note, while I was typing this, the monitor of the computer I was using just made a sizzling sound, and went blank. I gave it a tap, and it came back on.
Dodgey TAFE computers...
Monday, May 05, 2003
Had a youth camp on the weekend, in Snake Valley.
Went real well.
Eight kid (who all reckoned they'd just come because their parents wanted them too) decided they wanted to become Christians, which was pretty good, and pretty surpising for me, I've got to admit.
The bed's were really uncomfortable though. So my back's sore.
Scotty and Devo're back from holidays. Devo's been showing off his new mobile phone.
Only a matter of time: Bush
BAGHDAD - United States President George W. Bush says it is only a matter of time before American troops uncover the weapons of mass destruction that Washington used to justify its war to oust Saddam Hussein.
New Zealand Herald, May 5 2003
Scorpion sting for addicts in south Gujarat
AHMEDABAD: Addiction knows no barriers. From alcohol, to opium, to cough syrups, addicts flit form one grade of narcotics to another to achieve what the world has always deprived them of.
But when, even the fumes of heroin fail to offer that satiating trip to the world of hallucination, the addicts move on to another addiction.The elite of south Gujarat, bored with the mundane dope, have found a new high -- the scorpion sting.
The Times of India, April 29 2003
Did this Thinker Quiz thing at BBC. Found it through 101 three sixty five. Results:
You are a Spatial Thinker | ||
![]() | Spatial Thinkers:
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Like other spatial thinkers, Leonardo had a talent for designing buildings and machinery. He also invented a new style of map making | Other Spatial Thinkers include Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Isambard Kingdom Brunel Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers include Mechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer |
You are an Intrapersonal thinker | ||
![]() | Intrapersonal thinkers:
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Like intrapersonal thinkers, Leonardo worked hard to improve all aspects of himself. | Other Intrapersonal thinkers include Sigmund Freud, Gandhi, Grahame Greene Careers which suit Intrapersonal Thinkers include Psychologist, Teacher, Pilot, Child care worker, Explorer, Drama therapist |
You are an Existential Thinker | ||
![]() | Existential thinkers:
| |
Like existential thinkers, Leonardo questioned man's role in the universe. Many of his paintings explored the relationship between man and God. | Other Existential Thinkers include The Buddha, Gandhi, Plato, Socrates, Martin Luther King Careers which suit Existential Thinkers include Philosopher, Religious leader, Head of state, Artist, Writer |
Note that the results are pretty sexist, though.