This is the interesting and exciting blog of Christop - one of the 84 000-or-so people of Ballarat.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

PM John Howard answered my letter!

    Dear Johnny,
    What do you and Janette reckon about the new Salads Plus menu at McDonalds?

    Personally, I've always been a Happy Meal Man. The toys in those things rule. But you know what sucks about McDonalds? The pickles in their burgers. Once I was going to try to pass legislation to make pickles in burgers illegal, but John Anderson didn't reckon the National Party voters would go for it. Losers.
    But anyway, the new Salads Plus menu looks to me like they're trying to suck up to hippies. They even put a hippie on the ad. I reckon that McDonalds is a celebration of all things American, and hippies are always protesting about America, so they'll ruin the place. They should go and eat their lentils and tofu somewhere else. Like Cuba.