The Shoes of Dylan and other Fine Things
On Thursday night we had chair races along the ground floor hallway. Basically, you sit on a chair, and sort of make it jumpforward over and over again, until you get to the end of the race. However, since the hallways are so narrow,you can only really have two people racing at a time. To overcome this problem we are considering having twopeople racing on the ground floor hallways, and two on the top floor, with somone of the stairs to see who comes first.
Afterwards we tied a pair of my old shoes together and threw them up onto the powerlines on the other side of the road. We decided that whoever got them up there got ot keep them, and that if someone askedwhat we were doing, we were waiting for a bus. Socksy eventually got them up there, so now they are called The Shoes of Dylan, because Socksy's not his real name.
Our aim is to eventually accumulate such a large row of shoes up there that they are added to the world heritage list. When the powerlines are replaced, they'll have to reposition the shoes exactly as they were.
Spent Friday night playing Risk! at James' place. Got home about 6:30am.
Saturday night went to Thai Fusion with the Gillies St mob for Sam's birthday, then went to Irish Murphy's.
Last night I led the youth service at church. It waskind of disorganised, 'cause I only got asked to do it a week before, but it turned out alright.
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