This is the interesting and exciting blog of Christop - one of the 84 000-or-so people of Ballarat.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Got this e-mail the other day:

    'Hi I I don't mean to bother you I was just wondering if there was any way you could send me an invite for Gmail. The reason I need an account is because I have familty everywhere in the world (sister in Australia, brother in Japan, Parents in Germany, cousins in Brazil, etc) and I need a lot of space to store my photos of them. Unfortunately hotmail barely has any space and my other high capacity accounts (spymac, aventuremail, etc) are completely full of spam even after using filters. I see that Gmail is very good with spam form users comments on it and I was wondering if you could invite me to use it. If not I am sorry for bothering you. Thank you for reading this anyways it is appreciated.'
    I can't, but if you're really desperate can put a notice on my blog. Tell me if you want me to do that.
Got this this morning:
    Sure that would be of great help. Thanks for reading it. Its very much appreciated.

So if you have a Gmail invite, and aren't doing anything with it, this guy appears to be quite desperate for one.