This is the interesting and exciting blog of Christop - one of the 84 000-or-so people of Ballarat.

Friday, May 21, 2004


Just saw Troy which was rather crap. Eric Bana (Hector) is about the only actor who does a decent job. Brad Pitt (Achilles) comes across as an arrogant brat with little variation in facial expressions. The war only seems to go for a few weeks. The Trojans have llamas*. And Hector's body manages to 'survive' being dragged along the ground by a chariot without much damage**. And it's just not interesting (I almost couldn't blame the people behind us for talking all the way through), and to hard to take seriously.

*I guess the Romans brought them to Europe after they discovered Latin America.
**This part was so bad a lot of people laughed.