Geoff Howard, the [insane] Member of State Parliament for Ballarat East is asking former Ballarat-boy (another person who went to the school I work) Premier Steve Bracks for more daylight savings time.
He's proabbly just trying to draw attention to himself. So I think I'll do the same thing:
I think we should just extend daylight savings time in Ballarat, so that when people go in and out of the city they have to fix their watches. Or have two watches, one for Ballarat time and one for Outsider time. Also, this would mean that Ballarat would have to have its own television stations for at least part of the year.
But seriously, I think Ballarat would be about the only part of the state that would benefit that much from extended daylight savings time, because we don't get as much sunlight because of the mountains all around us.
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