This is the interesting and exciting blog of Christop - one of the 84 000-or-so people of Ballarat.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Isvahn the Illegal Iraqi Immigrant - CENSORED VERSION
A Cautionary Tale
by Christop Booth

This is Isvahn. He is six. He lives in Baghdad with his mummy and daddy and his brothers and sisters.
Isvahn’s mummy and daddy are worried because the Americans are coming.
‘We have to leave,’ says Isvahn’s daddy.
Isvahn and his family travel to the sea, where a nice man lets them onto his boat.
‘Where are we going?’ Isvahn asks his mummy.
‘To a better place,’ says Isvahn’s mummy, ‘a long, long way from the Americans.’
Isvahn and his family cross the sea in the nice man’s boat. There are lots of other people on the boat. There are also lots of rats. Are they scared of the Americans too? Isvahn thinks they’re probably more scared of him, because it’s almost lunchtime.
Along comes a Better Place Navy ship.
‘Go back home!’ shouts a noisy man on the Better Place Navy Ship. ‘There’s lots of people here already!’
Isvahn starts to cry. The nice man turns the ship around and heads back home.