This is the interesting and exciting blog of Christop - one of the 84 000-or-so people of Ballarat.

Monday, February 03, 2003

This morning I got a call from Terry asking me to work tonight. So I called Tab to say I'd be late tonight and see if I could bring Harvey's dinner (satay chicken and rice) overafter lunch. She said that was okay.
I called my mother to see if Dad's tax return had arrived yet. It had arrived on Friday, but unfortunately he'd lost it, along with the $4oo cheque. Mum said she was looking for it, and would get Dad to look as well when he got back from work if she didn't find it.

I arrived at HaTaMa at about 2:oo pm and put Harvey's dinner in the fridge. Tab and Stacey (she's staying at with Tab and Hannah until she finds somewhere semi-permanent) had been looking through a name book to find out what everyone's names mean. Tab was putting the Now! programs into envelopes to send to all the people in her group and Erin's (because she doesn't get back from London till late this week, and then she's going straight to Tasmania with her family).
I asked Tab if she had a bottle I could put water in to drink while I worked, because I forgot to get one before I left the Bach Pad. She still had the one she used when she was a cleaner at St Pat's, so we filled that up, and put some ice in it. Tab offered me a lift to the school, so at 4:oo pm she dropped me off there.

The work wasn't very hard. My back's not sore from it or anything. I just had to vacuum the floors (with a pack like the ones from Ghostbusters) on the second floor, and tonight Beck (one of the other cleaners) was working on the same floor too. Tomorrow night I have to use the sweeper to clean the corridors. Eventually I'll have to do the second floor on my own.
Most of the rooms have statues and/or pictures of Jesus and Mary. One of the Mary statues has been given a papiêr maché makeover.

I wasn't expecting to be finished by 6:oo pm because I didn't know Beck would be cleaning upstairs too, so I had to wait till Heather came to get me at about 7:3o pm.

When we got back to Tab, Hannah and Stacey's, I had the meal Kelly had cooked for me (Mediterranean satay chicken), and we had the prayer meeting.